Monday, December 30, 2019

Notes On Parlez Vous Francais - 1289 Words

Parlez-vous Franà §ais ? â€Å"Vous aimeriez prendre le voiture?† the shuttle driver asks my family as we stand impatiently in the spot where the hotel shuttle was supposed to pick us up a good half hour ago. My dad doesn’t speak any French, but he takes charge and nods at the driver as we are guided into the shuttle. It’s been a long day of looping through the ins and outs of â€Å"hidden† parts of Paris (my mom hates tourist attractions) and we sit quietly in the van, admiring the stunning European scenery that flicks past us as the driver recklessly zooms through the streets. Oddly, there are no other cars on the road, and the driver takes full advantage of it as he swerves and makes sharp turns, every sudden step on the brakes jolting us awake from our half-asleep countenances. Our colossal van keeps along its manic path alone in the street until another car, this car being a small taxi that made our vehicle look even more gigantic, catches up to us a nd begins to pull ahead. Our driver’s stereotypical French disposition makes him extremely susceptible to competition, and he won’t have any car cutting him off, much less a tiny taxi. Before we knew it, the drivers were playing an intense game of seeing who could be in the lead, doing crazy stunts to surpass the other car. They’d drive on the grass rather than the road to cut in front of each other, and act as if they were about to scrape the other’s car as a way to get into the front. By this point, the taxi driver has had enough.Show MoreRelatedThe Art Of Medicine : Healing And The Limits Of Technology Essay2605 Words   |  11 Pagesall smooth sailings though. Our first interaction went something like this: â€Å"Where is Johnathan, is he here yet?† I get up from my chair outside his office, â€Å"Yes sir, it’s very good to meet you.† We shake hands. I hear you’re from Ottawa. Parlez-vous franà §ais?† â€Å"Um, yes sir, but no, I don’t speak French†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Mind you, that I never learned French having been raised in Jamaica and didn’t really see the use for it in Toronto. â€Å"What? Are you sure you’re from Ottawa?† Shut down right off the bat. Why was

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Food Crisis And How The Mexican Tortilla Crisis Essay

Carlsen, Laura C. Behind Latin American s Food Crisis. World Press, May 1, 2008. This article helped explain the 2007 food crisis and how the Mexican tortilla crisis arose. Some of the factors that contributed to it, a lot of which goes back to NAFTA. Also began to highlight that Mexico has a strong production of corn, which trigged why is it importing so much. Floundering in a Tariff-free Landscape. The Economist. November 30, 2002. Acc essed September 25, 2015. This article was wriiten almost 10 years into NAFTA, in which it was warning Mexico that the end of the tariff quotas it had against corn importation were soon to expire and by then the United States would be allowed to dump all it corn into Mexico. By 2008 is when the last tariffs would be stripped from the agreement. There were observers of what could potentially go wrong once the tariffs ended. Keleman, Alder, Hugo Garcia Raà ±Ãƒ ³, and Jon Hellin. Maize Diversity, Poverty, and Market Access: Lessons from Mexico. 19, no. No.2 (2009): 187-99. Accessed December 18, 2015. This paper went into good detail on how corn is consumed in Mexico. How vital it is to Mexico and the challenges that the corn is suffering from continuing its sovereignty. Also how patent seeds are challenging the whole notion of peasant farming and some of the potential consequences there could be if companies like Monsanto expand. This article was helpful in understand the importance of owning the seeds is to the whole nation of aShow MoreRelatedFood Injustice : A Cultural Issue Essay2172 Words   |  9 PagesFood Injustice: A Cultural Issue Ever since I was born culture has played an important role in just about every aspect of my life. One important aspect of my life which has specifically been influenced by culture is food, especially having grown up in a predominantly Hispanic family where food is at the center of life. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

War on Terror Research Paper Free Essays

string(70) " attacks were done by non-state actors, not Afghanistan’s own army\." War on Terror Do you ever have one of those moments in your life in which you will never forget where you were? I remember waking up early on September 11, 2001, getting ready for school and my dad telling me hurry up to watch the news with him. Being in 8th grade at the time, the news really wasn’t something I would watch in the mornings so I knew it had to be something important. Then I saw it. We will write a custom essay sample on War on Terror Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now An airplane crashing into a tower, people panicking, and mayhem ensuing in a city very well known to me. When any tragic event like 9/11 occurs, the effect it will have on a nation is tremendous. It left America in shock, anger, and sadness just to name a few adjectives to describe the insurmountable amount of feelings that we felt on that day. With America being such a powerful nation, after recovering from the attack the next ideal step would be to seek retaliation, right? Well on October 7th 2001, the war in Afghanistan began marking the first step in the War on Terror. The 9/11 tragedy was very devastating to the American morale and our sense of security. America being so powerful and strong it may be logical to see how we had a false sense of security when it came to attacks on us. I mean, who would really want to attack one of the strongest nations on Earth? No other nation in their right mind would, right? Wrong. When those two planes hit our towers and another hitting the pentagon we were slapped with a reality check. We weren’t as safe as we thought we were. To add onto things, on September 18th and October 9th, 2001, we were hit by the anthrax attack that killed five and injured seventeen Americans. Something had to be done about this. We shouldn’t be letting other nations attack us like this. So George W. Bush began the War on Terror. The single person who took responsibility for these attacks on America is the notorious Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden founded the jihadist terrorist organization known as al-Qaeda at around 1988 to late 1989. The al-Qaeda, which translates into â€Å"The Base,† is well known for the September 11th attacks on the United States, but is also responsible for the 1998 US embassy bombings as well as the 2002 bombings in Bali. The war on terror started with America going on the offensive against al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. With Osama bin laden becoming the most wanted criminal in the United States, f not the entire world, other countries would join in our attempt to dismantle the al-Qaeda and their usage of Afghanistan as a home base. Australia, United Kingdom, and the united afghan front became our allies in the war in Afghanistan. These nations would launch Operation Enduring Freedom. While Operation Enduring Freedom was mainly targeting Afghanistan, it also had many subordinate operatio ns. Along with Afghanistan, there were operations in the Philippines, Horn of Africa/Somalia, Pankisi Gorge, Trans Sahara, Caribbean and Central America, and Kyrgyzstan. The terrorist regimes were placed all over the world and the nations fighting terrorism found it necessary to assist these other countries in eliminating those hostile forces in their territory. Operation Enduring Freedom – Philippines is a currently active mission to fight the terrorist forces of Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiyah. Abu Sayyaf is an Islamist separatist group that was residing around the southern islands of the Republic of the Philippines while Jamaah Islamiyah is a militant Islamic terrorist group that was spread out through Southeast Asia in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, parts of Thailand, and the Philippines. This operation is still ongoing and has tallied 17 US soldier casualties with gt;315 enemies killed, including Abu Sayyaf leader Janjalani. Another one of the Operation Enduring Freedom missions was the Horn of Africa (Northeast Africa/Somali Peninsula). This mission was dedicated to stopping terrorism and piracy in the Horn of Africa. The United States lost 29 due to non-combat fatalities, but so far have been able to kill 149-160 insurgents, 67-78 pirates, and captured around 1000 pirates. This mission is still ongoing since October 7th, 2002. There was also another operation held in Africa referred to as Operation Enduring Freedom – Trans Sahara. A 500 million budget was approved for the Trans-Saharan Counterterrorism Initiative (TSCTI) that would be spent over a six-year span to support those countries that were facing threats from the al-Qaeda. These countries were primarily Chad, Algeria, Senegal, Nigeria, Morocco, Mali, and Mauritania. Along with the attempts to thwart terrorism, the TSCTI were also focusing on drug and weapon trafficking. One of the main points of this specific mission was to train these 10 nations with the ecessary skills and equipment to combat these problems on their own. The last two Operation Enduring Freedom missions are â€Å"Caribbean and Central America† and Kyrgyzstan. The Caribbean and Central American mission has forces deployed in El Salvador, Suriname, Guyana, Trinidad amp; Tobago, Belize, Honduras, and Costa Rica. The US Air Force at Manas International Airport primarily runs the operation in Kyrgyzstan near the capitol Bishkek. Now onto the main mission in Operation Enduring Freedom, the War in Afghanistan. The main reason behind this war was to dismantle the al-Qaeda organization and stopping them from using Afghanistan as their base. The United States would also go on to state that they were attempting to take the Taliban out of power and create a nation with a more democratic government. This war began on October 7th, 2001, and is still ongoing today making it the United States longest running war. â€Å"Article 51 permits a victimized state to engage in ‘individual or collective self-defense’ until recourse has been taken by the Security Council to establish peace† (Maogoto, 2003). The reason that this war was criticized so much was because people felt that bombing and attacking Afghanistan was not self-defense because the 9/11 attacks were done by non-state actors, not Afghanistan’s own army. You read "War on Terror Research Paper" in category "Free Research Paper Samples" Either way, President George W. Bush was given authorization by Congress to go ahead and begin the war against Afghanistan on September 18th 2001, when a legislation called â€Å"Authorization for Use of Military Forces Against Terrorists,† was passed. With the War in Afghanistan being the longest war that the US has run, it is understandable that there are many losses. In our coalition there were 3,097 killed with 2,031 of them being from the United States, over 23,500 wounded, and 1 missing/captured. Of the contractors hired, there were 1,143 killed and over 15,000 wounded. The Afghan Security Forces lost 10,086+ and the Afghan Northern Alliance lost over 200. As for the opposing forces, there was no real reliable estimate, but the Taliban forces were estimated to be around 25,000 strong. One of the more shocking numbers to be brought up in losses is how many civilians were killed during the attacks. A rough estimate of civilian casualties is 12,500 – 14,700. While there were many causes for the civilian casualties, the majority of the losses came from the airstrikes and improvised explosives by the insurgents. The civilian deaths caused a lot of tension between the foreign countries and Afghanistan government causing President Karzai to summon his foreign military commanders to tell them â€Å"his people’s patience was wearing thin† (BBC, 2007). Even though there were many losses suffered by all participants and those civilians, there was a huge victory for the United States on May 2nd, 2011. This was the day that al-Qaeda leader, Osama Bin Laden, was finally shot and killed by the US forces in Pakistan (BBC, 2011). They would later confirm the death through DNA tests This could have also been another one of those â€Å"you’ll never forget where you were† events for many seeing how he caused so much damage with the 9/11 attacks. The next war to start after Operation Enduring Freedom began was the Iraq war. The reasons behind this war have been extremely debated and discussed since it started. The official factors were listed in the â€Å"Iraq Resolution. † Here are some of the reasons to invade Iraq (President George W. Bush, 2002): * Members of al-Qaeda, the ones responsible for attacks on the US, were residing in Iraq. * Iraq paid bounties to suicide bomber’s families. * Iraq was brutally repressing their civilian population. * Iraq was not complying with the 1991 ceasefire agreement while also interfering with U. N. weapons instructors. * Iraq was â€Å"continuing to aid and harbor other international terrorist organizations,† that also included anti-United States terrorist organizations. * Turkey, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia wanted Saddam out of power in Iraq and feared what he may do. Those were listing only a few reasons, but another big factor in the Iraq War was that Saddam Hussein did not stop producing weapons of mass destruction in 2003 after the Duelfer Report revealed that information. In 1991, Hussein’s WMD capability was essentially destroyed by sanctions to restore Iraq’s economy to a more stable condition. On October 21, 2011, Obama announced, â€Å"After nearly 9 years, America’s war in Iraq will be over. † The last troops to leave Iraq were leaving by January 1st, 2012, and that the troops in Afghanistan would start to come home as well. A big problem that these wars caused for America, aside from the casualties, was how much money was spent. A lot of people look at the War on Terror and the Iraq War as the main reasons the American economy has taken a huge dive the last decade or so. From 2001 through 2011 the Afghanistan war cost the United States about $433 billion dollars (Bingham, 2012). The Iraq war has cost about $806 billion dollars so far, but Obama has said it may cost over $1 trillion dollars when it is all over (Krutzleben, 2011). However, with all these wars not completely wrapped up, the final price of war could be as high as $4. 4 trillion dollars when all is told (costofwar. org, 2012). War affects every country involved, but specifically the veterans who participated and contributed to the war. It would only seem logical that those countries that have had veterans deployed and fight for their nation should be taking care of them as best they can. From the veterans who came back from the Iraq war, 20. 3% of active soldiers and 42. 4% of reserve soldiers required mental health treatment (Milliken, 2007). The total numbers of those diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from the Iraq and Afghanistan war is about 30% of the 834,463 who were in those wars (Reno, 2012). These numbers were only the veterans that were treated by the V. A. (Veteran’s Association) hospitals, so there could actually be more who have not looked for further treatment after returning. With some of these numbers rising as more soldiers are returning from the wars, this would mean the V. A. hospitals would need to hire more mental health professionals to deal with the influx in PTSD cases continuing to go up. The V. A. has increased their mental health investments by more than 1/3rd in the last three years. They have â€Å"hired more than 4,000 mental health professionals† and in April 2012 have announced they will add 1,600 more professionals, totaling their mental health staff to 22,000 (Reno, 2012). War has never been a good thing and there is never one side that is completely victorious when you consider how many people are killed on each side, civilians included. After the 9/11 attacks on the United States it would be hard to simply let that go unpunished, something HAD to be done. As unpopular war is in the United States, there was a lot of support from the nation as a whole. I personally found it hard for there to be some type of peaceful way to come to an agreement with a terrorist organization so I also supported the war. The cost of these wars have been devastating to our economy though and a lot of people thought we were in these places for too long trying to do too much. Overall, it’s really hard to judge whether these wars have been a success. It’s really a matter of opinion and how a person wants to analyze the results. I can only hope that we defend our nation much better, that all the troops come back, and that they receive the care they all deserve. We are doing our veterans a great disservice if we cannot properly accommodate them for life after war. Bibliography Bilmes, L. (2006, February). The economic costs of the iraq war: An appraisal threeyears after the beginning of the conflict. Retrieved fromhttp://www. nber. org/papers/w12054. pdf? new_window=1 Bingham, A. (2012, May). Afghanistan War by the Numbers: Lives Lost, Billions Spent. Retrieved from http://abcnews. go. om/Politics/OTUS/billions-dollars-thousandslives-lost-afghanistan-war/story? id=16256292#. UIRxJmk4WA0 Faiz, S. (2006, March 17). A timeline of the iraq war. Retrieved fromhttp://thinkprogress. org/report/iraq-timeline/? mobile=nc Hoven, R. (2012, September 6). An iraq war every year. Retrieved fromhttp://www. americanthinker. com/blog/2012/09/an_iraq_war_every_year. html Iraq War Veterans. (2004, July). Iraq veterans against t he war. Retrieved fromhttp://www. ivaw. org/ Kellner, D. (2004, December). Bring ’em on: Media and politics in the iraq war. Retrieved fromhttp://books. google. com/books? l=en;amp;lr=;amp;id=10BiGSdCyVQC;amp;oi=fnd;amp;pg=R7;amp;dq=iraq war;amp;ots=DpgUR6Ohbz;amp;sig=cb0_JxEuXqNrmyLL2WQEWCNLFY Kurtzleben, D. (2011, December). What Did the Iraq War Cost? More Than You Think. Retrieved from http://www. usnews. com/news/articles/2011/12/15/what-did-theiraq-war-cost-more-than-you-think Milliken, C. (2007, Novemeber 14). Longitudinal assessment of mental health problemamong active and reserve component soldiers returning from the iraq war. Retrieved from http://jama. jamanetwork. com/article. aspx? articleid=209441 Montopoli, B. (2011, October 21). Obama announces end of iraq war, troops to returnhome by year end. Retrieved from http://www. cbsnews. com/8301-503544_16220123800-503544/obama-announces-end-of-iraq-war-troops-to-return-home-by-year-end/ Rainie, L. (n. d. ). The internet and the iraq war. Retrieved fromhttp://www. pewinternet. org/~/media/Files/Reports/2003/PIP_Iraq_War_Report. pdf. pdf Reno, J (2012, October) Nearly 30% of Vets Treated by V. A. Have PTSD Retrieved fromhttp://www. thedailybeast. com/articles/2012/10/21/nearly-30-of-vets-treated-by-va-have-ptsd. html War in iraq. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. iraq-war. ru/ Wilson, R. (2005). Human rights in the ‘war on terror’. Cambridge University Press. How to cite War on Terror Research Paper, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Advertising Roles free essay sample

The main difference between them is hat the in-house agencies have only the sole purpose to work for their own company. Advertising agencies are creating, managing and planning all aspects of their client s advertising. (Duncan, Advertising agency The Advertising Definition for Advertising Agency) The first role we are talking about is the Account Executive (AH). The key role Of an Advertising agency Account Executive is to maintain the good relationship between the client and the agency. He is responsible for the communication between the creative team and the client and is the person who pitches the work to the client.An Account Executive usually handles four client accounts at a time. Account Executives have to have a special set of skills: he has to be well-organized, to have professional appearance; he must handle pressure well and be willing to travel to the client. (Duncan, Advertising Agency Account Executive Career profile) A typical day of an Account Executive starts whit contacting the creative department and checking the status of the client s jobs and if they will be finished in time. We will write a custom essay sample on Advertising Roles or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He has to contact all his clients at least once a day to check on updates and on upcoming projects.He then has to review and resent concepts and layouts to the client for approval and finally communicate the feedback from the client back to the creative department and discus the next steps in the campaign. A common misconception about Account Executives is that they are part of the creative department however an Account Executive is not creating or designing any material, his role is to manage the clients accounts and being the contact between agency and client. (Duncan, Advertising Agency Account Executive Career Profile) The next role we will talk about is the Creative Director (CD) in an advertising agency.Creative Director is the overseer of the creative team and helps to develop the creative products for the clients. His team usually includes copywriters and designers; he also works with the Account Executives to ensure that creative goals are on track and the client s needs are meet. A Creative Director has to create every aspect of the campaign based on the client ;s marketing plan, he has to create concepts for the client and verify that the deadlines for the clients are met. The glory is assigned to the Creative Director if the campaign is a success but he also has to take the blame if the aiming fails. Duncan, Advertising Agency Creative Director Career profile) The special skills which a Creative director needs include having experience in Photos, Illustrator, Undersign and Flash. He needs to have solid background in copycatting and design and have the ability to lead a team. (Duncan, Advertising Agency Creative Director Career Profile) A typical day of a Creative Director starts with attending strategy meetings for new business then he meets with the creative team and checks the status of current project and assigns new tasks and projects to the team.His task is to lead rainstorm sessions with the creative team to create campaigns based on the clients needs. He creates the advertising proposal for the client ;s and pitches the concepts to them. (Duncan, Advertising Agency Creative Director Career Profile) Creative Directors are confused by many people with Art Director when in fact the Creative Director oversees the entire department which includes Art Directors, designers and copywriters. (Duncan, Advertising Agency Creative Director Career Profile) The third role we will talk about is the Art Director (AD) in an Advertising agency.The role of an Art Director is to rate and designing ads, websites, brochures and outdoor media on behalf of the client fo r the advertising agency. The Art Director is creating and maintaining the visual look for all the accounts he is working on. He has to make sure that his designs are visually engaging and have a clear selling message. Often an advertising agency will group an Art Director with a copywriter to create basic advertising ideas, campaign concepts and websites. After the agency has selected the direction in which the campaign goes, the responsibility to design the finished works is handed to the Art Director.Sharks) An Art Director should be able to manage a project, in multiple media, from concept trough production. He needs the ability to translate the marketing strategy into layouts, logos and packaging and need a strong background in design. As with the advancement of theology Art Directors need to know HTML and PH. (Sharks) The typical day of an Art Director is to design ads, websites and brochures on a computer, to attend brainstorming sessions with the other members of the creative team to create new concepts for business presentations. He usually meets with properties to create new concepts for advertising campaigns. Sharks) The last role in an advertising agency we will look at the Media Director. The Media Director is the overseer of the media department and has the responsibility to manage the need of the clients media buying and planning. He is responsible for placing ads in magazines and newspapers as well as TV and radio. The placement of the advertising is calculated trough research and analytical models to determine the best placement depending on the client s goals and budget. (Duncan, Media Director Career Profile) A Media Director deeds to have the skills to work with a wide range of people including clients and his own staff.He also needs to be able to analyses research data to determine the best placement for the client need and have excellent communication skills; also a professional appearance is strongly needed for the Position of a Media Director. (Duncan, Media Director Career Profile) The typical day of a Media Director includes meeting with the media sales representatives then attending strategy meeting for new business. He is pitching to potential clients and contacts current clients to discuss their rent project. The Media Director contacts the media department to check the status of current client accounts and to plan future media buys.The role of a Media Director is often associated with the one of a Media Planner or Media Buyer but in fact the Media Director is managing the media department and is standing above the Media Buyer and Media Planer. Media Planners and buyers usually handle few accounts where the Media Director is handling all accounts and is responsible for them. (Duncan, Media Director Career Profile) We now have talked about four major roles in an advertising agency however there is no clear rule how the roles and names in an agency are defined, so the agency roles are very volatile and can differ from agency to agency or from country to country.It is only the structure of the agency that defines each role however a clear and standardized typology and role definition should be used so no confusions are created. We see that every role from the Account Executive to the Media Director has a high impact on the final campaign. Where the Account Executive is working on the front side of the agency, the Creative Director and the Art Director are working on the actual campaign and the Media Director is working on the placement of the campaign created by his colleges.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Society and Social Groups Assignment free essay sample

Assignment 2 Question 1 The first key concept I chose Is society, which Is described as people who Interact In a defined space and shared culture. This definition of society states clearly which variables are used to define and Judge something as a society which make up part of the social world. The second key concept that I chose Is sociocultural evolution, which is the process of change that results from a societVs gaining new information. This term showed me the importance of social change and creates separate social periods which the world went through. The third key concept is New Industrializing Countries (NIC), which are lower-income countries that are quickly becoming high- income ones. This showed me how fickly our social world is and that it is relatively easy to change your ways, if you are able to get the means and have the will power. The fourth key concept I chose is bureaucracy, which is the model for modern business, government agencies, trade unions and universities. We will write a custom essay sample on Society and Social Groups: Assignment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I have heard this term my whole life, but never realized, until now, the Importance and influence of bureaucracy In the world. The last key concept that I chose Is rationalization of society, which Is the historical change from tradltlon to rationality as the dominant mode of human thought. This concept helped me understand the humongous changes the social world has gone through. Also that the transition went slowly but surely, that every step we made helped us grow. Question 2 Marx expressively stated historical differences in productive systems for the emergence of the modern world, but also pointed out the persistence of social conflict in the human history. Weber tells us that modern societies are guided by ationality Instead of tradition which guided the pre-industrial societies. Durkenheim says that In the modern Industrial societies, mechanical solidarity, based on moral consensus, Is overtaken by organic solidarity, which Is based on productive speclallzatlon. I like bits and pieces of all three theories to be honest. The way we started thinking for ourselves from Webers theory, the thought that society influences us more than we thing from Durkenheims theory and how Marxs theory was one of the first to state the differences between the social classes. I prefer Marx the most, ecause his theory says that the economy dominates all other social institutions when it comes to giving direction to society, which I am realizing more and more. Organizations and seemingly governments are making decisions based more on how to earn or save money, than instead on what is the best option or solution. Question 3 An Important part of our society are the social groups In which we find ourselves. Social groups consists out of people with shared Interests, experiences and loyalties. embers share personal and enduring relationships, and secondary social groups, arge and impersonal social groups whose members pursue a specific interest or activity. Even though we do not like to believe it, most of us conform to fit in a group. The power of peer pressure shapes our behaviour from a young age throughout our adulthood. Most of the time, we use these groups as our reference groups, a social group that we use as a reference in making evaluations or decision s. Formal organizations are secondary groups that want to perform hard tasks in the most efficient way. They can be grouped in utilitarian, normative or coercive organizations. Bureaucracy is a organization model created to perform complex tasks efficiently. There are six key elements to an ideal bureaucratic organization: hierarchy of offices, rules and regulations, technical competence, impersonality and formal, written communications. However, there are some problems with bureaucracy; alienation, inefficiency and ritualism, inertia and abuse of power. Humanizing bureaucracy is to recognize people as the greatest organization source there is. We are part of the network age. Social networks are used to link people all over the world. These developments are chancing group relations. Question 6 McDonaldization of society should be resisted in terms of a social world. The four principles of McDonaldization (efficiency, calculability, uniformity and predictability, control through automation) are great for organization as McDonalds, from which we expect quick results. However, as stated in the book, a lot of things are becoming automated to make actions happen quicker, with a smaller error margin. This decreases the intervention of humans, decreases human creativity . We are interacting less and less because of the increasing use of machines instead of humans.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Reflections Upon A Precipitation Lab essays

Reflections Upon A Precipitation Lab essays A precipitation reaction involves two aqueous solutions of soluble salts mixed together to yield an aqueous solution of a soluble salt and a solid compound. The solid is called a precipitant, and its formation is a result of precipitation. Precipitation is a result of aqueous cations and anions forming Coulombic interactions stronger than that of the water molecules and the ions in solution. A precipitation reaction requires two solutions containing soluble ionic salts to be mixed. A precipitant is yielded if some of the ions from the solutions mixed interact and form insoluble salts. In this experiment, we prepared mixtures of all possible pairs of these solutions to attempt to turn into salts. We worked to determine whether or not there would be a precipitant and wrote formulas respectively: Copper (II) sulfate, sodium chloride, lead nitrate, barium nitrate, silver nitrate, and sodium sulfate. Before beginning the experiment, we predicted with mixtures of two of the given solutions would yield a precipitant and were asked to determine the formula respectively. We made these predictions using Table 5.1 Rules for determining the solubility of ionic compounds. After our predictions were approved, we began our experiment. We began by taking a clean test tube and first pouring a few drops of copper (II) sulfate and then a few drops of barium nitrate. We observed and noted the reaction, and then dispensed the solution in the proper waste jar that was set out for us (Note: we did this after every single solution experimented). We then washed the test tube, dried it and went on to test our next prediction. Next, we put in a few drops of copper (II) sulfate and added a couple drop of silver nitrate. We observed and noted the reaction and dispensed the solution in the waste jar. After cleaning and drying the test tube once more, we then made a solution containing a few drops of co pper (II) sulfate with a few drops of lead nitrate. After m...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Humanity sammary 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Humanity sammary 1 - Essay Example She prays to Artemis, asking to be killed so that she could be with Odysseus in the Underworld. Penelope’s cries wakes up Odysseus, who prays to Zeus to give him a sign, and was reciprocated with a bang of thunder from Zeus. Odysseus asks for another sign and this time, one of Odysseus maids asks that this be the suitors last day. These signs were enough to encourage Odysseus to avenge himself on the suitors. Telemakhos gets up and the house springs to life as he puts on his full array. Eurykleia tells the maids to clean the house and fetch water for a feast day. Men went inside, bringing firewood, while the swineherd brings pigs, and the goatherd and two shepherds bring goats. Melanthios insults the beggar, who is actually Odysseus, but Odysseus restrains himself from fighting back. Philoitios was much kinder as he extends a warm welcome to the beggar saying that he reminds him of his master, Odysseus. Philoitios mentions that he also wants the suitors to be gone because they were making excessive demands on his cattle. The beggar tells him that Odysseus will soon come to kill them and to this, Philoitios replies that Odysseus can count on his help. Meanwhile, the suitors plot to kill Telemakhos, when an eagle with a dove in its talons flies by and so they drop the plan. Telemakhos seats Odysseus alone and warns the suitors to keep their hands and tongues to themselves. However, Athena prompts the suitors to continue abusing Odysseus and so Ktesippos throws a cow’s foot which did not hit Odysseus. Telemekhos becomes angry and threatens Ktesippos and the other suitors. The suitors conceded and agreed not to make fun of the beggar anymore. Then, Agelaos tells Telemakhos to talk with his mother and encourage her to marry one of them. Telemakhos says that he does encourage his mother but cannot force her. To this, the suitors burst out with laughter. Then, Theoklymenos the visionary tells

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Obama Re-Election Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Obama Re-Election - Annotated Bibliography Example Management is a process by which the elements of a group are integrated, coordinated or utilized so as to effectively and efficiently achieve organizational or individual objectives while leadership refers to a process that helps direct mobilize people and their ideas. Management is a process by which the elements of a group are integrated (Bernard, 1985), coordinated or utilized so as to effectively and efficiently achieve organizational or individual objectives while leadership refers to a process that helps and directs people and their ideas. Some of the aspects of leadership that are fundamental for success in the project are challenging existing process and systems, motivating and inspiring (Bernard, & Bruce, 1994). The concept of Leadership assessment helps an organization or a project to work more effectively with other members for cohesive working environment. The best methods of leadership assessment are Self evaluation methods. Finally some of the best leadership aspect include; mentoring, reflex action and networking (Edgar, 2010). Management is a process by which the elements of a group are integrated, coordinated or utilized so as to effectively and efficiently achieve organizational or individual objectives (Edgar, 2010). It is a process that is ongoing; it does not constitute an end in and itself. Management is directed towards achieving and attainment organizational goals. It involves planning, setting short time goals and budgeting. Leadership refers to a process that helps and directs people and their ideas. Leadership involves on organizations symbols, rituals and culture. It also deals with challenging existing process and systems and motivating and inspiring project members. Challenging existing process and systems: Leadership focuses on the future of the project and immerse themselves in the culture of their project. Motivate and inspiring: It is concerned with motivating project members and enabling them to act by

Monday, November 18, 2019

Marketing strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing strategy - Essay Example f the intangibility of its products and the fact that financial risk is significantly reduced with the expanding market and the increasing database of customers. The intangibility of the insurance products and the volumes of premiums have significant impact on the performance outcome of insurance companies. They are major issues that require innovative ideas and creative inputs to promote strategies that would be able to attract and retain customers. Indeed, the scholars assert that the financial services are characterized by intangibility; heterogeneity; inseparability; perishability; and high labor intensity (Zeithaml and Bitner 2000). The marketing of insurance products therefore becomes dependent on the way the new idea is projected to the people and information is disseminated amongst the prospects. Insurance products are mainly sold through agents. They also heavily rely on the external factors like trust in the protection provided and the goodwill of the agents through which the insurance products are sold. The intangibility of the products makes it difficult to judge its quality until it can be experienced and therefore, the marketing strategies need to rely on factors like credibility of the company, price, promotion, segmentation etc. The perishability of service makes it difficult to make forecast. Indeed, the fact that the quality and delivery of the services are closely linked to the human aspects makes it much harder for the insurance firms to convince their targets. Hence the creativity of ideas and dissemination tools become major facilitators of effective market strategy. The leading insurance companies Lloyds, Norwich Union etc. increasingly deploy new strategies like competitive premium, innovative products and differentiation in the product so new customers can b e attracted. While a sales process primarily involves five major steps to commence sales, it is imperative they must be accompanied by clear understanding of behavioural pattern of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Conflict Of Interest And Discrimination In Diversity Social Work Essay

Conflict Of Interest And Discrimination In Diversity Social Work Essay          Basically, is a pointer to the sensitivity nature of the profession and the methods that is required to proffer acceptable and correct care service to accommodate and embrace individuals beliefs, values and culture and of course practitioners among other things must take cognisance of individual background to facilitate anti discriminatory practice in service delivery. When implementing prevention programs to curb any form of discriminatory attitude ,some of the cogent factors that should be considered as sub set of cultural diversity are, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexuality, spirituality, and some other areas. Both the internal and external parts of human life can be considered as the understanding of culture. Among diverse of lots of ways to define culture, it can be viewed from the angle of experience, values, knowledge, attitudes, skills, ideas, tastes, and techniques which are transfer from one experienced person in the community to others. Transmitters of culture are now families both immediate and nuclear, religious group, peer groups social groups, neighbours and professional organisations. Essentially it should be noted that element of culture and diversity are numerous, some cultural experiences could be are biological related factors, like physical stature and colour of skin, whereas others could be sociological related factors, like socioeconomic status and religious connection. Based on these variables it will be wrong and illogical to draw a conclusion regarding people based on the way they appear externally. It has become imperative for social care practitioners to be very competent cultural, apart from the fact that this could improve the service delivery standard it will help immensely to help in the quest for anti discriminatory practice in this profession. Some of the importance of this anti discriminatory practice in this regards is that it will help to facilitate a serene atmosphere whereby social workers will be able to see it as a matter of responsibility to engage in proper conduct, effective ethical services and decision making. This will enable them to be more conscious about the value base of their service users and of course it will help to maintain an ethical standard that could ultimately serve as a platform on which a professional relationship that can facilitate and improve service delivery can be attained in the long run. Civilization according to Obama can be described as equal respect for everybody without exception and a way of living a method of living. Obama B. (2006). In a similar vein, in a speech that was delivered by M. Martin in Dublin (2001) in regards to solving the problems of cultural diversity facing the health care sector in republic of Ireland. Martin stated in his speech that, diversity gives social care practitioners the privilege to develop their knowledge, mental know-how and the understanding of the problems associated with health sector diversity from two angles of both the clients and the staffs. He also identify awareness and sensitivity training workshop for staff as a bench mark to resolving issues related to diversity in population. He suggested that such training should be projected towards enhancement of knowledge based development and skills in other to render effective services that are sensitive to cultural disparities. Diversity according to Thompson, (2001: 34), is a term hugely being used to lay emphasis on the disparities between people, set of group or individuals, and the fact that such disparities can be viewed as a valuable asset that can be exploited rather than a challenge to be surmounted. Such disparities if not properly managed could result to discrimination and thus oppression can take place. Moreover, social care workers do confront with lots of difficulties and barriers in the course of engaging with the young, aged, and the physically challenged as well. Ireland as a country is fast becoming a much more multi-cultural society where people are coming from diverse cultural and ethnical background obviously peoples ideas thought and expectations based on service delivery will definitely be conflicted , but it is expected that social care practitioners will manage all these issues as a matter of cultural competency. In recent times, it is now not unusual for a practitioner to work with a black or coloured people or somebody from eastern bloc. Nor is it unusual to work with a child from an ethnic minority in residential care. Another important of anti discriminatory practice is that it will enable practitioners to have an insight to how human life and experience is characterise by diversity and how is germane to identity formations. Diversity as it may, can be viewed from intersectionality of different dimensions, these factors consist of gender, age, colour, religion, sexual orientation, class differences, culture, sex, physically challenged, immigration status, ethnic background, political ideology and national origin.    Social workers need to understand and placed ultimate premium of the fact that as a result of individual differences, somebody somehow might have experience or suffered from exploitation, marginalisation, oppression, poverty, exclusion and stigmatisation. Understanding this fact will not only help a practitioner to manage and deliver good service but will greatly assist to be able to deal effectively in handling individuals need individually. According to Worman, (2005) diversity can best be described as, the disparities that exist between people that ranges from both visible and non-visible. He identifies three different types of diversity: Social diversity which includes age, race, ethnicity and gender, Value diversity such as psychological differences based on personality and attitudes and Informational diversity which includes organisational differences in education, tenure and function. Rather than seeing this as the beginning and end of one the greatest challenges been faced by this profession it should be seen as a means to an end towards achieving a better service delivery. Perhaps, one of the possible fruits of the challenges of cultural diversity is that it could chrysalises to discrimination talking about the client and the service deliverer. According to Laird, (2008) concerns with racism first emerged in the social-work profession back in the 1970s and during the 1980s major social-work texts emerged to regulate practice (Payne, 2005: 277). Thereafter, a new Diploma was introduced as a prerequisite which include antiracism practice a core module to be part of the prospectus. Thompsons advanced work on the PCS analysis, (1998, 2006) refers to the personal, cultural and structural levels at which discrimination can occur, as a means of identifying and combating oppression against ethnic service users. As a result of his research Thompson would say that the combination of personal and cultural predispositions can create an ethnocentric outlook. Ethnocentrism results in judging other distinctive groups of people according to the norms of ones own group. This of course can create more problems rather than solution that ought to be the central major target of the carer and invariably it can lead to frustration on the part of the carer. Practically, over time it has been proven that problems that arises from discrimination in service delivery if properly addressed and managed will ultimately enhance performance and this to a large extent will help to improve the lives of the clients. Some the discriminatory acts from recent research have their source from language and culture. Ireland for instance is now a cross multicultural country whereby we have huge number of people from Africa and Eastern bloc. This factor can make or mar service delivery effectiveness depending on how is applied. As observed by Share (2009), that practitioners and service users be aware that language and cultural barriers can mar the provision of effective and meaningful social care. Also, anti discriminatory practice can necessitate the quest for knowledge and information to improve learning. To be effective at their job, Social Care Workers need to acquire the skills in dealing with culturally different co-workers, subordinates peers and clients. Powell (2004) points out that organisation are now very conscious of the pressing need to understand and respond to demographic trends in the modern employment force. Carer need to gain an awareness and understanding of the environment around them in order to provide effective supports to service users based on individual needs. Discrimination could be as a result of inability to understand or insufficient knowledge. In sufficiency of knowledge is as good as being ignorance or lack of awareness of the needs and choices of an individual this can lead to complications and frustration on parties. This information may include dietary requirements and religious practices, cultural differences and language barriers or personal rituals. Thomas (1991), observed that workplace diversity transcend beyond gender and race. It cut across people lifestyle, age, sexual preference, functional speciality and geographical location. The diverse nature and the methods to manage challenges that are coming from it has become a major priority for communities and organisations generally. Wilson (1997) observed that the new workforce is the changing workforce. For instance, todays workforce comprise of more dual family earners, an older work force, more people of colour and ethnic minorities, more people with disabilities and more homosexual practitioners. These set of new workers that falls within the groups earlier mentioned are more demanding and their expectation about the employees involvement is so great, Provision has to be made for better work and balance family and making information more accessible, legal frameworks should be in force in order to encourage the Irish workforce to acknowledge and appreciate diversity. The Employment Equality Act 2004 and the Equal Status Act 2000forbid by law on different nine grounds the act of discrimination including race and membership of the travelling community. Section 24 of the Employment Equality Act 2004, states that it is projected towards the implementation of the principle that embrace treating people equally treatment irrespective of race and ethnic background, establishing a general framework for equal employment and occupation and equal treatment for men and women in regards to employment, vocational training and promotion. As a social care worker, working in a diversity workforce, it becomes paramount to take cognisance of and respect such differences. Cultural diversity and ethnicity are not a new occurrence in Ireland. The Irish Travelling Community is synonymous with a long history of a strong cultural background and unified identity group that is peculiar to their clan. Only when these differences are acknowledged in a respectable manners and informing ourselves with regard to them can we be rest assured that these differences has been addressed. Basically, understanding and valuing of differences are what equality and diversity are all about. It is about the creation of a suitable working atmosphere that acknowledges respects and harnesses difference. A fair environment allows everyone to contribute and gives the opportunity to all to fulfil their potential. Practitioners face many challenges in their everyday work environment. In stressful situations it is important to have support, for example, from the team a carer work with, the supervisor or even an individual co-worker. Consistency is an important tool for any practitioner so as to provide the best service for the people that they work with. Powell (2004) explains that ignoring diversity may limit a team in its work to reach a required goal. According to Powell, practitioners benefit from working in a multicultural environment as it teaches them a culture of inclusion and they can benefit from the range of skills and values that are present in wherever section they find themselves. This will eventually result to an environment that is devoid of discrimination and prejudice and ultimately both client and staff relationship will be greatly strengthened. In the present times of highly increasingly mobile and diverse modernised society the key requirement for social work practice to be effective is to imbibe the culture of adequate educational training and practice code of conduct that includes an understanding of minority ethnic cultures and sensitivity to inter-cultural perspectives. The National Association of Social Workers (N.A.S.W) describes the responsibilities of social workers as to act to expand choice and opportunity for all persons, with special regard for vulnerable, disadvantaged, oppressed and exploited people and groups. These standards heighten the acceptance and respect for diversity as a fundamental social work value. Share et al (2009) points out that many third level institutions providing social care courses integrate inter-cultural training as part of the prospectus. Many organisations adopt diversity programmes to combat exclusion in the work place. Social workers have a professional mandate to identify and challenge organisational systems and individual practices that compromise client service, choice and general well-being. (Maidment et al, 2002: 399). Constant rising in Ethnicity and social heterogeneity has been identified as one of the greatest and essential challenges militating against modern societies, and in the same way, one of the most significant opportunities in almost all the advanced countries of the world. One thing that is very certain that can be said about virtually all the modern societies is that is generations are going to be more diverse than ever in a foreseeable future. According to Putnam (2007). He described in the theoretical tool kit of social science two diametrically opposed perspectives about the effects of diversity on social connections. One of those, he labelled the contact hypotheses which argues that diversity fosters interethnic tolerance and social solidarity. The more we associate and make more contact with people who are different from us, it will enable us to overcome our initial hesitation and ignorance and come to trust them more. This is true in social care an example can be that the first time a service user would have had a black worker as a carer there could or would have being name calling because they did not know any better. In some cases this has improved as the client and carer have gotten to know each other and come to realise that the only difference is their culture and not what colour they are. CONCLUSION This essay has been able to observe and established that in order for social care work to be effective and fair, social care workers need to acknowledge differences and embrace them so as to reap the benefits of a diverse workforce. Racism has no place for the social care worker in the work place. Working with clients who have diverse needs can only serve to further teach a social care worker and enrich their practice, which in turn promotes their standard of professionalism and experience. What is recommendable is that there are two sides to a coin, diversity as it may, in totality could be a blessing in disguise because it can propel a society towards achieving or providing the best and the most effective service delivery in the context of social care practice through all the possible learning and training processes that ranges from competency to ethical conducts for all the social care workers. This essay has shown just what diversity is and what types of diversity challenge social care workers could encounter on a daily basis. It has also emphasised how important training and development is in order to give potential social care workers a prepared insight into how diversity can be managed and respected. The world is a small place and social care workers need to recognise and embrace all cultures and their respective differences in order to further enhance their ability to help all service users in multicultural society like ours. Emphasis has been laid on some the importance of anti discriminatory practice in the context of this profession like better service delivery, enhancing good relationship, improve professionalism and help to facilitate cultural competence and ethical standard amongst others. All this factors put together will ultimately underpinned the future and best practice for this profession.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Poetry Assessment :: English Literature

Poetry Assessment 'Nothings Changed' is a powerful piece of poetic literature which portrays in a provocative way, the poverty and apartheid in Post-Nelson Mandela South Africa and how 'Nothings Changed' since he has been elected as president. It starts in a harsh abrupt way 'small round hard stones' quickly brings forth a strong image of a dirty pathway littered with stones, the next few lines 'cans trodden on, crunch' and 'tall, purple-flowering, amiable weeds' add to this picture and describes in greater detail the untidy, poorly maintained wasteland. The 'purple-flowering weeds' border the rocky causeway and give stark contrast to the ugliness of the area as it has been described insofar. The character in the poem goes into a 'Whites Only' area, where he feels very unwelcome. At first, he seems contented to walk through a familiar area and revisit the place where he had lived. However, this mood changes abruptly when he comes across a 'Whites Only' inn which makes him feel very angry and even violent. The rhythm of this poem is very slow and thoughtful and the stanzas act like paragraphs. This works well because it creates a sense of him crushing his growing anger and hostility as he remembers his childhood. There are however some striking short lines for effect, these represent a growing struggle inside him to keep his fury under control. Examples of this are 'Anger of my eyes' 'brash with glass' 'it's in the bone' 'hands burn' The poet uses these short lines because they are dramatic, simple but powerful and memorable. There are many examples of poetic devices in 'Nothings Changed', especially in the third stanza: my first choice is line 18, where the poet describes the name as 'flaring like a flag'. This simile is effective because 'flaring' suggests a fire and it is a provocative image. The restaurant 'squats in the grass and weeds'. I think the poet compares the restaurant to something lurking and sinister because this place represents everything that they are fighting against. In conclusion, I think that the poem does not really work well, it fails to truly break the surface of thought and although it tries to put across the poet's thoughts and feelings on racism it fails quite miserably because of the simple fact that the writing is bound by literary laws of poetry. 'In the greyness and drizzle of one despondent dawn, unstirred by harbingers of sun break.' Vultures (by Chinua Achebe) opens in a grandiose and portentous fashion that immediately fills the reader's mind with a sense of a macabre and unhappy morning, the grey skies do not encourage a sense of happiness or contentment nor does it give any indication that this