Thursday, September 3, 2020

Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer’s Day Reflection

In Shakespeare’s poem, â€Å"Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day,† Shakespeare thinks about a warm summer’s day to the lady he adores. To start with two lines of the sonnet, he makes his first examination saying â€Å"Shall I contrast thee with a summer’s day? Thou workmanship all the more exquisite and more temperate,† meaning Shakespeare isn't sure on the off chance that he should contrast the lady he adores with a summer’s day since she is all the more dazzling and more constant.He clarifies in the following two lines about how summer has defects like the unpleasant breezes shake the cherished buds of may and that late spring is to short, and he points out that the lady ought not be contrasted with a summer’s day on the grounds that in his eyes, she has no blemishes. After, Shakespeare additionally clarifies how everything lovely will free excellence in the long run due to nature’s course.In the two lines following to those above, he clarifies how her magnificence and youth will never blur since he will consistently locate her delightful, regardless of what impacts nature’s course has on her. Demonstrating his adoration for this lady, Shakespeare explains in his sonnet that Death will never guarantee her for ‘his’ own in light of the fact that she will consistently be his. Notice how Shakespeare makes passing seem as though someone else and how he clarifies how nobody else would ever have her.That’s an ideal case of his exceptional non-literal language. With the last couplet, â€Å"So as long as men can inhale and eyes can see, So long carries on with this and offers life to thee,† Shakespeare shows his actual friendship and his assertion of affection for the lady he adores. It changes the pace of the sonnet by clarifying that she can never kick the bucket since she will live on perpetually in this sonnet, not contrasting her with a summer’s day.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

English Coursework Diverse Cultures Essay Example For Students

English Coursework Diverse Cultures Essay The Great Depression was an overall financial breakdown. It was the biggest and most significant financial downturn in current history, it started in the United States on Black Tuesday with the Wall Street crash of October 1929 and quickly spread around the world. It kept going about 10 years, finishing off with the mid 1940s. During this decade numerous individuals were living in neediness, needing food and safe house. Banks, stores, and plants were shut and left a large number of individuals jobless and with no cash. Many needed to depend on good cause and the administration to remain alive. This is the reason numerous men needed to leave their families looking for occupations. Numerous men like George and Lennie went to California in light of the fact that there were a ton of employments for them to do on farms. From the initial section we become familiar with the George and Lennie are the regular nomad laborers. They have quite recently landed terminated from one position and are making a trip to go another. George shows his dissatisfaction of moving continually to look for some kind of employment. He blames Lennie for keeping him shovin everywhere throughout the nation constantly. This shows that it was so difficult to continue moving around and having no home to go to fell safe. They need to rest outside vulnerable with no assurance. Steinbeck gives us how life during the downturn was hard. The laborers had no genuine luxurys they could appreciate, when George and Lennie were eating beans and Lennie says I like em with ketchup George answers whatever we aint got, that is the thing that you need. Ketchup is being appeared as an image of extravagance that they dont have. The entirety of their material belongings were conveyed in a bindle. This shows how little they had, they were destitute and all that they own could fit in somewhat cover. From section 1 we likewise discover that the men who take a shot at the farms are the loneliest folks on the planet. They have no family, the men needed to desert them looking for work, they have no home to go to. They go to farms, work, get paid at that point blow all their stake on liquor and visit cathouses. Be that as it may, George and Lennie are distinctive in light of the fact that they have one another. Their kinship is significant in light of the fact that they have somebody who is there for them, who thinks about them not at all like the different folks on the farm who could go to prison and nobody would mind. They additionally have a fantasy, the fantasy is significant on the grounds that it implies that they have something to anticipate and take their brain of everything. Steinbecks portrayal of the bunkhouse shows a ton about the way of life of the vagrant specialists. The bunkhouse was extremely plain with whitewashed dividers and the floor unpainted it was likewise exceptionally squeezed with eight bunks in a single room. He shows that it was truly awkward they needed to live with no security, imparting to seven other men and have no space to yourself. They had no legitimate furnishings, an improvised apple box for a rack to keep individual effects, which were generally simply cleanser, razors, bath powder and western magazines. These magazines were most likely funnies that the men wanted to peruse. The main household item they had was a table were simply the men played a game of cards to save for feeling exhausted and forlorn. The bunkhouse additionally shows cruel day to day environment and the destitution at those occasions. Steinbeck gives us that the social condition wherein the story happens is one of viciousness and antagonistic vibe. In section 2 like when George and Lennie were discussing the fantasy and Candy was tuning in to their discussion you was pokin your enormous ears into our business. Candy answers I didnt hear nothing you was sayin this shows George didn't need anybody to think about their fantasy, he may have stressed that the might tell somebody like the chief or attempt to get included all ruin it. A person on a farm dont never listen nor he dont pose no inquiries there was a great deal of doubt and most men would not like to know every others business, on the off chance that they realized a lot of they could utilize that to get them terminated. .u8b9f803b25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7 , .u8b9f803b25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7 .postImageUrl , .u8b9f803b25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u8b9f803b25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7 , .u8b9f803b25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7:hover , .u8b9f803b25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7:visited , .u8b9f803b25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7:active { border:0!important; } .u8b9f803b25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u8b9f803b25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u8b9f803b25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7:active , .u8b9f803b25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7:hover { haziness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u8b9f803b25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .u8b9f803b25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enrichment: underline; } .u8b9f803b25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u8b9f803b25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content design: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8b9f803b25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u8b9f803b 25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u8b9f803b25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u8b9f803b25ef377a2fadd692d4184cf7:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: The play is entitled 'Twelfth Night' or 'What You Will' and was really performed to the Queen on Twelfth Night EssayAlso in section 2 George and Lennie show up at the farm together. A large portion of different characters think that its abnormal that they travel together aint many folks travel together and the manager even imagines that George is utilizing Lennie for his quality and is taking his compensation. This recommends individuals didnt trust one another and thought it was strange for them to have a genuine fellowship. Its much more pleasant to go around with a person you realize George says how he feels that to go a round with somebody you know and you can converse with and shields him from feeling desolate. Steinbeck incorporated a great deal of viciousness to show how life under troublesome conditions made individuals hard. Carlson shoots Candys hound since it smells, he doesn't consider how Candy must feel about his canine being executed. The men dont think its abnormal for somebody to get lynched and would not be pestered if Lennie got lynched. They are not troubled when Curleys spouse kicks the bucket, the men just idea about guarding themselves. At the point when individuals are distant from everyone else for a really long time and have no family or companions who love and care for them they get mean. The vast majority of the characters were separated from everyone else so they got insensitive. Steinbeck shows the degree of dejection the vast majority endured during the Great Depression, one of the loneliest characters was Crooks. He was the main dark man on the farm and experienced a great deal of racial maltreatment, he got called a nigger. He was kept separate from different men, he even had his own bunk since he aint needed in the bunk house. He likewise says that a person goes crazy on the off chance that he aint got no one an individual who is separated from everyone else for a really long time and has no companions or family like Crooks will go crazy. To adapt to his forlornness he read a ton of books to keep his brain of the real world. Curleys spouse was additionally desolate, she was the main lady on the farm and victimized. The men avoided her since they realized she could push them into difficulty and if Curley saw he would stir up some dust or get them terminated. Think I dont like to converse with someone She had nobody to converse with so she dressed decent and circumvented attempting to begin a discussion with somebody. She was stuck in that house alla time and was exhausted and forlorn. At the point when the Curley and some the folks go out on a Saturday night she is disregarded. The men were likewise desolate as they went without anyone else and had nobody they could trust. They went to bars and become inebriated, they visited whorehouses to attempt to take their brain off everything and overlook reality. George abandons the fantasy after Lennies passing despite the fact that he could have still accomplished it since he presumably thought it would have been diverse without Lennie, he imagined them two on their farm carrying out their responsibilities. Candy was old and would likely bite the dust soon so George would be forlorn. All the characters wound up forlorn this is the reason nobody accomplished the American dream. The grievous completion was fitting since Steinbeck is attempting to show the truth of the Great Depression: dreams didn't materialize.

Friday, August 21, 2020

MTV: Music Mainstream Essay -- Entertainment Television Papers

Innovation of MTV MTV spearheaded the music video, music broadcast business. The music video class was making its first strides during the 60s and 70s. MTV took advantage of the thought, connected it with digital TV and made a media symbol. MTV has been the take off platform for the professions of stars for two decades. On the MTV model, other music TV programs received the organization, for example, BET, VH-1, and the Nashville Network. MTV has ceaselessly pushed the envelope in music and social issues. Their prosperity has the right to be examined. The tale of the establishing of MTV has important exercises for the media business. This is a short glance at who did it, how they achieved it and their adjustments to the changing subtleties of the business. Connecting music and the video is like the connecting of sound and movies in the mid twentieth century. It changed the way Rock and Roll music worked together. Rock gatherings and soloists no longer needed to sound great; they currently needed to turn great close upward. Experts in video craftsmanship and innovation got together with experts in the sound account industry. The idea of the video racer, VJ developed. The term â€Å"yeah, I saw that song† was conceived. Preceding the innovation and appropriation of satellite TV, awesome music was prospering. The couple of telecom companies constrained the combination of music and TV in presence at that point. The music video was an analysis and the assets the systems could give constrained it. Music and TV for the most part united on Saturdays with programs like â€Å"the Monkeys†, and the animation â€Å"the Beatles† toward the beginning of the day, â€Å"American Bandstand† in the early evening, â€Å"Soul Train† in the late evening, and â€Å"Midnight Special† or â€Å"Don Kirshner’s Rock Concert† Saturday night.... ...deos, all the time†. Who comprehends what will occur later on for music TV. Whichever way MTV will figure out how to command mainstream society and help small children fit into the general public that MTV continues making and reproducing. Work Cited Supreme TRL. Show Index. 5 November 2001. Denisoff, Serge R. Inside MTV. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 1988. Pauses, Jennifer C. (1997). Incredible Reality: The Blurring of Leisure and Work Space On MTV’S The Real World and Road Rules. Bowling Green State University: Bowling Green, OH. â€Å"Rockin in Time fourth Edition† David P. Szatmary, Prentis Hall INC. 2000. â€Å"The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Rock† Carlton Books Limited, 1993, Michael Heatley Editor, p. 321-22.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Constructive journalism - Free Essay Example

When Walter Williams, the founder of University of Missouris school of journalism wrote the famed Journalists Creed (1908), he mentioned that: I believe that the journalism which succeeds best is constructive, he had the idea of constructive journalism in mind. A story on CNNs website on October 2018 read: Tropical Storm Rosa is about to make landfall and drench the arid Southwest. The story went ahead to highlight how the storm could soak the dry Southwest. A few hours later, a different story was published: Chinese warship in unsafe encounter with US destroyer, amid rising US-China tensions. The story discussed several tensions existing between US and China, as well as the cancelation of Secretary of Defense James planned visit to Beijing. These stories show how conflict and negativity are synonymous in the news media. They show how media careen from one sad story to another, forging forward a breathless tour of disease, death, and war (Moeller, 1999). Negative story frames can be attributed to Lasswell (1948) who suggested that a key function of the media is to scan the environment for threats. Some of these negative stories that dominate media waves are on violence, crime, police brutality, and other negative tropes (Wenzel, Moreno, Son Hawkins, 2018). With all this negativity, newspapers and television channels have been struggling with a waning readership and advertising revenues. Schudson (2012) argues that individuals interest in serious news has declined over the years. This decline could be attributed to compassion fatigue brought about by too much focus on negative stories. Compassion entails the ability to recognize someones suffering and engage in an activity aimed at alleviating the suffering (Moore et al., 2015). On the other hand, compassion fatigue refers to the burnout brought by excessive negativity leading to a reduced desire to help (Moeller, 1999). It occurs when the public become weary of unrelenting media co verage of human tragedy (Kinnick, Krugman, Cameron, 1996, p. 687). Kinnick and his colleagues argue that journalism contributes to compassion fatigue by constantly projecting bad news and not doing enough to provide solutions to social problems they project. As Shoemaker (1996) argues, human beings gravitate toward environmental threats, and therefore this emphasis on negative stories makes sense. Given the other functions of the media such as the watchdog role (Bennett Serrin, 2005; Eriksson ?–stman, 2013) and informing the public (Schudson, 2008), it will be hard for the media not to report negative stories. However, this conflict-driven journalism does not work always. As (2012) argues, negative journalism fails to address government policies that are working. On the other hand, audiences choose to read negative stories despite preferring more positive ones (Trussler Soroka, 2013). Scholars have delved into this area and research shows that negative emotions and events have a more lasting effect on people than positive ones (Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Finkenauer, Vohs, 2001). To counter this negativity in news and reverse the trend of compassion fatigue, news media have been embracing the concept of constructive journalism as an alternative to negative stories that are ubiquitous in todays media. This concept is relatively ambiguous and has been defined differently by scholars with others confusing it with peace journalism (Galtung, 1986; Galtung Fischer, 2013; Lynch, McGoldrick, Heathers, 2015) or even solutions journalism (Mcintyre, 2017). However, I argue that constructive journalism goes beyond the two areas and therefore, need to explicate it to clear the ambiguity in its definition. There is also limited research on this area and there are no concrete theories to explain how it works. Even with these extant studies, constructive journalism lacks clear measurement guidelines, and most of the studies related to the concept do not account for the multiple factors that can influence constructive journalism. Therefore, this paper is a concept explicati on of constructive journalism as it seeks to clear any ambiguity surrounding the concept to aid in theory construction. Concept explication is a cognitive process of taking an abstract idea and creating a nexus between the idea and the evidence we observe in real world through empirical research. Through concept explication, a scholar can connect primitive knowledge to the practical examples and these examples to the abstract, using evidence observed from the environment. Concept explication helps clear confusion among scholars regarding concepts and their definitions by dispelling ambiguity among definitions put forth. It enables researchers to determine how they may observe a central concept exhaustively and exclusively. The process of concept explication aids in fortifying the connection between theory, observation, and research. This makes a theory testable. In doing this, it helps researchers identify gaps in the existing research and explore new dimensions about a concept. To conceptualize constructive journalism, this paper will utilize McLeod and Pans (2004) concept explication procedure. They suggest six steps for concept explication: identifying the concept, searching the literature, examining empirical properties, developing a tentative conceptual definition, defining the concept operationally, and gathering data. Here, except for the last step of gathering data, this paper follows these steps and aims at narrowing down the definition of constructive journalism. These steps stem from Chaffees (1991) book on explication and are centered on the first procedure: meaning analysis. Meaning analysis is the fulcrum between the literature review and empirical definition (Chaffee, 1991). It involves the use of logical procedures to define concepts with clearly connected conceptual and operational definitions. This comes in handy during empirical analysis, the second procedure in explication. It is the reverse process whereby one evaluates a concept based o n empirical evidence after gathering data. Thus, the sixth step (gathering data) will not be part of this explication.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Accidental Murder and the American Dream in in The Great...

Affairs and lies are just some of the things happing in West East Egg, two communities on the outskirts of New York City. There is also an accidental murder and former lovers that find each other but they are not the same anymore. The Great Gatsby was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It follows the summer of 1922 told from sort of narration point of view. The story of the corruption of the American dream unfolds before the readers eyes. Throughout the reader realizes that the American dream of happiness and individualism has just become the quest to become wealthy. Nick Carraway is a young man who moves to East Egg, which is known for it’s nouveau riche style of living, in the summer of 1922. Nick is very different then the many people†¦show more content†¦The husband assumes that the person driving the car was her lover and shoots Gatsby and then himself. At the small funeral only a few people show up and after words Nick leaves disgusted with the corruption and gree d that has over come many. The corruption of the American dream begins at a young age. Daisy said â€Å"All right...Im glad its a girl. And I hope shell be a fool -- thats the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.† (Fitzgerald 17). This proves that Daisy doesn’t want her daughter to be an individual. She wants her to be happy but she doesn’t want her to strive. She just wants her to fit in and believe what she is told. Daisy herself was probably raised in a similar fashion. She doesn’t dream, she lives in the right now, what is in front of her. She doesn’t want her daughter to try to achieve and fail. If she has money she will always be happy. Daisy knows what it’s like to have money and not be completely happy, she has that with Tom, but she feels it is better then waiting and being unsure. She gives up her love with Gatsby to have wealth with Tom, therefore ruining her ‘American dream’ and Gatsbyâ⠂¬â„¢s. Was the failure of Gatsby’s American dream possible because he had to grand of a dream? Nick has said of Gatsby’s dream of Daisy that â€Å"There must have been moments even that afternoon when Daisy tumbled short of his dreams -- not through her own fault but because of the colossal vitality of his illusion† (FitzgeraldShow MoreRelatedCritical Bibliography Of The Great Gatsby1366 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"The great Gatsby† is a classic novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald first published in 1925 on Long Island s North Shore and, then, in New York City from spring to autumn of 1922. This story is focused on the life of Jay Gatsby, and his mission for Daisy Buchanan. In the novel the author examines and critiques Gatsby s specific idea of the 1920 s American Dream during World War I and the Great Depression of the early 1930 s, talking from the point of view of Nick Carraway who works as the narratorRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath And The Great Gat sby1738 Words   |  7 Pagesthan human. Although America in the nineteen twenties and thirties was known as the land of opportunity and the home of the American Dream; authors John Steinbeck and Scott Fitzgerald express different opinions in their novels, The Grapes of Wrath and The Great Gatsby, respectively. Each author uses the characterization of the wealthy classes to condemn the American Dream and show how people of this time portrayed by fictional characters were dehumanized. Steinbeck in The Grapes of Wrath portraysRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1412 Words   |  6 Pagestowards their dream, these workers don’t bend to the challenges that are thrown in the way. Instead, it only fuels their fire, makes the engines burn and pushes them further; to only have their drudgery mean nothing. Time after time, throughout history, the world had seen this pattern show; in factories, huge companies - especially in politics - but even more so in early twentiet h century literature, like The Grapes of Wrath, Elmer Gantry, and Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. In The Great Gatsby, F. ScottRead MoreExamples Of The American Dream In The Great Gatsby1515 Words   |  7 Pages The novel, The Great Gatsby, by author F. Scott Fitzgerald, is an eye opener onto the reality of the wealthy’s lives. The â€Å"American Dream† is that supposedly with hard work and perseverance an amazing life can be had here, but as the old saying goes, money cannot buy happiness. This philosophy is definitely present here, as the book highlights the ingenuine and twisted life that this group of ‘friends’ live. From the outside, their lives may seem perfect, but when taking a closer look the truthRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1356 Words   |  6 PagesThe Tragedy that is The Great Gatsby In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s tragic story of the roaring twenties, he demonstrates different aspects of the 20s metaphorically through his main characters including Nick Carraway, Tom and Daisy Buchanan, Jay Gatsby, George and Myrtle Wilson, and Jordan Baker. He relates each person to different aspects to further their personal characterization and give them motives to each of the choices they make, resulting in how the book ends. This furthers his development andRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald2188 Words   |  9 Pages Life in The Great Gatsby was never shown as realistic. It was mostly of people who partied all night and drove in fancy cars and drank and danced until the sun came up. The only realistic life was Nick Carraway’s. He was just a guy trying to live and sell bonds in Long Island, but he got sucked into drama with his new neighbor and his cousin. Not all lives were so extravagant, most would think. However, it was called the roaring 20’ s for a reason. People were living and having fun and actually partyingRead MoreEveryone has heard about the green light at the end of Daisys dock—a symbol of the crude future,2400 Words   |  10 Pagescrude future, the immeasurable promise of the dream that Gatsby desires despite its tragic end. Another familiar symbol is that of yellow and gold—representing money, the tactless greediness that taints the dream and eventually leads to its destruction. Such symbols and their purposes, at every stage in the novel, help provide substance to the main conflict. The central conflict of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, is the clash between Gatsbys dream and the unpleasant, real world reality—â€Å"theRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald4042 Words   |  17 PagesThe Great Gatsby – RRS Title: The Great Gatsby Author: Frances Scott Key Fitzgerald Publication Date: 1925 Nationality: American Author’s Birth/Death Date: September 24, 1896 – December 21, 1940 Distinguishing Traits of Author: Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was a popular author in the United States whose fame was at its peak in the 1920s, during the â€Å"Jazz Age.† He was born in St Paul, Minnesota to an affluent family. His social status led him to write novels associated with fame and fortune

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gender Issues and Sexuality in Marge Piercys Sex Wars...

Sex Wars; a title provocative enough to garner not only a second look when encountered on an overcrowded bookshelf, but undoubtedly a perfunctory lift from the shelf and a superficial perusal. If you do delve deeper into the novel by Marge Piercy you come to see that Sex alludes to gender and the relationship between men and women; not just the act. War denotes power, agency; a struggle to gain it, fought in our own cities not on some far off shores. It isnt peculiar that Marge Piercy would devote over four hundred pages to such a struggle. A prolific author of poetry, fiction and non; Piercy, a staunch feminist, always examines womens roles, especially those traditionally relegated to men. in her work. (Unknown) Sex Wars does that as†¦show more content†¦It was not until the twenty-seventh of forty-five chapters when the lives of the characters began to intertwine and the story as a whole began to take shape. By that time, the suspense had turned to longing and had begun t o feel burdensome. The setting was analogical genius. Just as American society was reconstructing its values and identity after the civil war and with the rise of the industrial revolution, so was each character. Victoria Woodhull, born into a transient poverty-stricken criminal family, envisioned, planned and executed a life of wealth and respectability for herself. Freydeh Levin, disadvantaged in wealth, heritage, familiar ties and with limited means of supporting herself carved out a niche in an oppressive society in which she not only thrived financially but created a much longed for family. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the ideal of the time; a devoted wife and mother. Although she has attained such status she envisioned and worked for more for herself and all women, renovating society and herself. Even Anthony Comstock, the true ideal of the time: male, national and ambitious is fueled to restructure society and by doing so transforms himself. Although each personality differed g reatly, they all shared the struggle against the society of their time and their success at re-shaping themselves and subsequently society, on their own terms; therein lies the theme. In a novel so

The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp free essay sample

The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) program can be a journey of life changing experiences that can and will build character and leadership. I am currently a freshman and I am enrolled in the JROTC program at Boca Ciega High School, and at first I wasn’t sure what to expect and who I would encounter. Throughout my year so far being a cadet, I am being challenged physically, mentally, and emotionally. But I was able to learn more about teamwork and leadership through this short span. The curriculum consists of practical exercises that directly target an individual’s leadership and character. JROTC has taught me what I would not have learned in any other class in high school. Older cadets have overcome fears and have formed lifelong friendships and unforgettable memories. And I do intend on being like my role models in this program. Overall, they have found that JROTC has molded a sense of character within them just it has for me. We will write a custom essay sample on The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page JROTC is unique because it uses a clear chain of command that consists of the students (cadets) themselves. The fact that the organization is cadet-run is great, because it gives us the independence for us to make decisions that impact us directly and because of that, we are free to make the organization our own. Personally, I gained more confidence, better people skills, great grammar, how to talk in a large number of groups, and personality. JROTC brings out the best in me and my fellow cadets because of the high level of maturity expected of them from the instructors and the huge student participation in running the program. The program also prepares us for life after high school, helping us to learn our personality types and how to interact with other types. We also learned to respect ourselves and others when wearing uniform and when we are not. We learn to step outside our comfort zone and become acquainted with the world around us; the world we are to survive in after graduation. Our JROTC instructors help us to learn what life may bring us after we may not see them again. And as for my opinion on my instructors, I have to say that I have enormous amount of respect for who they are and what they did.